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PRJT Code of Conduct


The Puerto Rico Junior Tour (PRJT)  prides itself in the quality of players, host facilities and community involvement of each of its events. In order to continue making our events enjoyable for everyone, the PRJT will not tolerate any behavior that is unbecoming of a junior golfer. Players in violation of the code of conduct with the PRJT may lose playing privileges as well as being liable to penalty strokes or disqualification. 


All PRJT participants are reminded to respect the PRJT Staff, Rules Officials, host facilities and their staff/golf course. Players are expected to repair ball marks on the greens and divots where needed. Players are also expected to rake all bunkers and care for the course throughout their tournament experience. 


Violations of the Code of Conduct include: 

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct which includes abusive language, cheating, club throwing, disrespect to volunteers/staff/officials or fellow competitors, and abuse of golf course property. 

  • Not adhering to the dress code of the host golf course 

  • Use or association of drugs or alcohol 

  • Conduct not becoming of a PRJT player, such as acting in anger or creating other distractions.

Code of Conduct Violation Penalties: 

  • The PRJT Tournament Committee may assess any or all of the following penalties based on the severity of the violation(s) 

    • Issue a one stroke penalty for each act of unsportsmanlike conduct on the golf course 

    • Immediate disqualification from the tournament at which the violation occurs 

    • Depending on the severity of the violation, a tournament disqualification may also result in disqualification from the next tournament or tournaments for which a player has been accepted. 

    • The PRJT reserves the right to suspend or revoke a player’s registration for a major breach of the PRJT Code of Conduct.

PRJT Players Expectations
The following is a list of responsibilities for all PRJT participants


 Scoring Responsibilities


All players are to protect the field during tournament play.

  • A player or player's scorekeeper (marker) must not sign a scorecard that they believe incorrect.

  • A player shall not permit any scores to be posted that have incorrect evidence.

  • Players must not leave the scoring area until, as a group, they reconcile, sign, and attest all scorecards.

  • The player and the marker may be subject to disqualification if they knowingly sign incorrect scorecards.


  • Please remember it is the players' responsibility, NOT the parents or spectators, to verify scorecards.

  • Parents are not allowed in the scoring area. If players have difficulty talking/confronting fellow competitors directly, please speak to a rules official or tournament director before signing the scorecard.



• Be respectful and courteous to the host course, fellow competitors, and tournament staff. 

• Stand still and be quiet when someone is playing. 

• Be ready to play. 

• Replace divots and ball marks. 

• Watch errant golf shots and help search when time allows. 

• Use appropriate language and self-regulation methods after undesirable shots. 


On the Tee

• Stand to the side when players are swinging. 

• Use a unique identification mark to identify balls. 


In the Sand

• Enter and exit bunkers from the low side. 

• Leave rakes outside of bunkers parallel with the line of play. 

• Rake bunkers smooth when finished playing. 


On the Green

• Place your clubs on the side of the green nearest the next tee. 

• Repair ball marks. 

• Place a ball marker directly behind your ball. 

• Walk to your ball and putt without stepping or standing on anyone’s line of putt. 


After the Round

• Thank volunteers and the host facility staff.

Pace of Play Policy

The PRJT will enforce the following Pace of Play Policy:


As a recommendation to improve each group’s pace of play, the following guidelines as laid out by the AJGA will be implemented. 


1. Play ready golf throughout your entire round. 


2. Must, Must, May 


• Must - The first player to finish playing a hole MUST immediately grab their bag and start making their way to the next tee. In doing this, the player walking ahead is expected to be quiet and courteous to their fellow competitors. The player should periodically look back to watch the other players' shots. 


• Must - This player MUST be the first person to play from the next teeing ground. This player must get their yardage and determine club selection while the other players finish the last hole and walk to the tee. 


• May - This player MAY tee off if they choose to before others arrive. All players must confirm scores on the previous hole before leaving the tee. 


3. When spotters, officials, or parents can help search for a lost ball, other players in the group will go to play their next shot to hold the group's position on the golf course. After advancing their ball, the entire group may search for the remainder of the three minutes. 


4. Walk with a purpose between shots and from green to tee.


We urge you all to please review the following link: 

AJGA Pace Of Play Policy

PRJT Caddie Policies


The PRJT will allow caddies only  for the 5-7 | 8-10 | Beginners | Prep Series  and | 11-13 Divisions throughout ALL Events.  Caddies for these age group are MANDATORY except for the 11-13 divisions which Caddies are optional. Players must declare a caddie prior to the start of their round. Caddies will not be allowed for the 14-15 & 16-18 divisions for both boys and girls thru all regular season events, and the Summer or Season Championships.


Purpose of Caddies: Caddies may carry a player’s clubs, give advice, and offer help during the round but there are limits to what the Caddie is allowed to do. The player is responsible for the Caddie’s actions during the round and the player may incur a penalty if their Caddie breaches the Rules.


Actions Allowed by Caddies:

  • Caddies will be allowed to transport the player’s clubs and equipment.

  • Caddies will be allowed to search for a player’s golf ball.

  • Caddies will be allowed to clean a player’s golf ball.

  • Caddies will be able to give players advice.

  • Caddies will be allowed to use motorized carts ONLY if they have been approved by the PRJT Tournament Committee.

  • Caddies will be allowed to transport a player only when shuttle holes have been designated on the Notice to Competitors, during evacuation/restart or back to a previous spot in order of play.


Actions Prohibited by Caddies:

  • Caddies are NOT ALLOWED to deliberately stand on or close to the extended line of play behind a player while the player is taking his or her stance and until the stroke is made.

  • Caddies are NOT ALLOWED to over-coach their player causing them to take longer than 40 seconds to play their shots. Per our pace of play policy, after any individual warning given to the player, they are subject to penalty strokes for multiple warnings and no clear effort to improve their pace time.

  • Caddies are NOT ALLOWED to use personal cell phones for reasons other than live scoring or emergency situations

  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages during the round is NOT ALLOWED.


Breach of Policies and/or rules by Caddies:

1st Offense= Official Warning from a PRJT official

2nd Offense= Subject to 1-stroke Penalty

3rd Offense= Subject to 2-Stroke penalty for each prohibited action and/or Removal from the Golf Course





This policy is in effect as of January 1, 2024. The PRJT has the authority to eliminate or modify this policy at any time.

Puerto Rico Junior Tour Spectator Policy

General Conduct

  • Spectators are always welcome.

  • Your friend, child or student is attempting to play a competitive golf tournament. and this is NOT the time for any coaching or motivational discussions.  

  • Rulings occur among the Player(s) and PRJT official(s); Spectators may observe but not engage in a ruling discussion unless asked for information by the Official.  Spectators should not argue, dispute or question the ongoing ruling.

  • Spectators may not walk alongside a player and may not have a conversation with a player.

  • Quietly follow players and keep your expressions of joy (e.g., Good Shot, Nice Birdie) and/or disappointment to appropriate levels.

  • Spectators who NEED to talk with a player (for health reasons and handing them sunscreen, food or beverages) should do so in front of other spectators and/or players. 

  • Spectators should be congenial and respectful of other spectators.

  • Spectator smoking should be kept at a minimum and drinking alcoholic beverages during the round is strongly discouraged.


Dress Code

All spectators must dress in appropriate golf attire or resort clothing of a similar nature.  All attire must also meet the host golf course guidelines.


How to Properly Follow a Group

Where you should stand, walk or follow


General Area/Teeing Area

  • Follow your players from a distance (at least 25 yards) and stay in the rough/on the cart paths. 

  • You should NOT be in the fairway. Do not stand on the teeing area or directly behind the player.  Stay to the side of the action and remain still and quiet while all players play.

  • Do not lag behind the participants as this often delays the group behind.

  • Move forward to the putting green when all shots have been completed.


Putting Green -

Spectators must never be on the putting surface and should observe the putting green from a reasonable distance that will not interfere with the players.


Looking for Balls - Please help spot balls for all players. Spectators are encouraged to watch each player's shot closely and may assist searching for a lost ball during the THREE-minute search period.


Cell Phone Use

Cell phones should not be used on the course. Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to silent. Calls may be returned at the clubhouse or at Comfort Stations by cell phone at a later time.



Spectator Carts


  • Spectator carts will be allowed upon the availability of the golf course.

  • Rates for a spectator cart are determined by the host golf club.

  • Only 2 people are allowed to ride in the cart.

  • Cart will only be used by legally authorized drivers. 

  • Spectator Carts must be in front of the group they are following at all times and stay on the cart path or rough. 




Repeated abuse or blatant disregard of the policy may result in the following or all of these actions:

  • Golf cart privileges withdrawn 

  • Being asked to leave to golf course.

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